Hey, I just wanted to run a couple of things by you guys and let everyone know what happens when you get injured at work and how it goes with WSIB. I mean, Andy, I hope you can eventually be one of those guys who has one of these to fill up Canada Pension disability plan. Anyhow, in November 2010, I had an incident in my truck. I've been a truck driver for over 20 years, accident-free and claim-free. However, I experienced a stabbing pain in my groin when I turned and looked out the window of my truck. At first, I didn't think much of it and thought I could simply walk it off. But over the next two weeks, the pain intensified and the swelling in my scrotum worried me enough to go to the doctor's. I went to the doctors and underwent multiple tests including cat scans and an MRI. Finally, in March 2011, it was confirmed that I had a bulging disc in my back, which was causing the stabbing pain in my groin. My family doctor and chiropractor concluded that it was work-related. Following my doctor's instructions, I filled out numerous forms and applied to WSIB as I am currently on sick benefits for 15 weeks, which will run out in April. I wanted to make everyone aware of what happens in this process. I contacted WSIB and handed in all the necessary forms on March 15th. I was then contacted by Mrs. Keene at WSIB who reviewed my claim. She informed me that nothing was considered work-related and stated that I should have reported the injury right away instead of waiting two weeks. I believed it was something I could easily walk off, and my doctor initially thought it might be related to my back, so...
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Wsib payment calculation Form: What You Should Know
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